UPS Legrand 600VA Keor SPX Line Interactive
Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0802296Tavsifi
Legrand Keor SPX 600VA 310300 is a 600VA / 360W UPS with 2 output sockets that guarantees reliable and stable operation of various connected peripheral equipment: personal computer, office or home appliances, music or medical equipment. It easily converts 1-phase voltage, varying in the range of 160 - 290 W, with frequencies of 45 - 65 Hz at the input, into a stabilized one, providing overload protection, protection against high-voltage impulses, and short circuit protection. For the convenience of monitoring Legrand Keor SPX 600VA 310300 is equipped with LED indicators and audible alarm. At the same time, it has dimensions of only 279 x 101 x 142 mm and a weight of 4.2 kg.
Kompaniya haqida:
Kompaniyamiz kompyuter uskunalari, printerlar, proyektorlarni sotish va ta'mirlash, shuningdek, kartridjlarni to'ldirish va ta'mirlash bilan shug'ullanadi. Bizning do'konimizning shaxsiy maslahatchilari sizning savollaringizga javob berishadi, jihoz tanlashda yordam berishadi va etkazib berishni tashkil qilishadi.
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Sotuvchining boshqa mahsulotlari
UPS Legrand 600VA Keor SPX Line Interactive
Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0802296Sotuvchi

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- Улица Хамал 29Б
- Ish tartibi
- +998 (raqamni ko'rish)