IKA Встряхиватели HS 260 control NOL
Buyurtma asosida Kod: P-0856145Tavsifi
HS 260 control NOL
The HS 260 control NOL open air reciprocating shaker is a reliable and efficient solution for laboratory applications that require gentle mixing of samples. It has a compact and flat design, making it easy to fit into any lab space. With a maximum shaking weight of 7.5 kg, it can handle a variety of vessel sizes and shapes.
- Digital LED display makes it easy to read the speed and timer function
- Speed and timer can be electronically adjusted for precise control
- Shaking orbit of 10.0 mm, which ensures consistent mixing and good oxygen transfer
- Variable speed range of 10-300 rpm, making it suitable for a wide range of applications
- Timer function (from 1 min to 99 h 59 min) and continuous operation available
- RS 232 interface for external control and documentation through labworldsoft®
- Wide range of attachment combinations available, allowing users to use almost all shapes and sizes of vessels, accessories are not part of the scope of delivery and have to be ordered separately
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Sotuvchining boshqa mahsulotlari
IKA Встряхиватели HS 260 control NOL
Buyurtma asosida Kod: P-0856145Sotuvchi

Toshkent shahri, Yunusobod tumani
- Izohlar (2) Sharh qo'shish
- Ahmad Donish ko'chasi 1-uy
- Ish tartibi
- +998 (raqamni ko'rish)
- instrumart.uz

Sotuvchining o'xshash mahsulotlari
Энергомонитор-61850 — прибор эталонный измерительный многофункциональный
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Narx so'rov asosida
Титрион-1-3 — комплект для автоматического потенциометрического и фотометрического титрования
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Анализаторы содержания солей в нефти кондуктометрические К23050
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