IC200ALG630 is a 16 Bit Thermocouple Analog Input Module that accepts seven independent thermocouple or millivolt inputs. The IC200ALG630 is unique in that the module receives power from the backplane power supply so it requires no external power source. Additionally, each individual channel can be configured to report ranges in either millivolts or thermocouple inputs or even as linearized temperatures in tenths of degrees.
As with many modules, the IC200ALG630 offers LED indicators to show operational states and errors. Error reports are available to the I/O fault table when present. The module automatically completes A/D calibration at startup, which is then repeated periodically to account for temperature changes.
The IC200ALG630 accepts seven inputs from thermocouples to convert them to digital values through a binary value system. The result is then read by the microprocessor that decides whether the input is over or under range. When interfacing with the host, this module uses seven words of analog input data with an optional seven words of output data and provides all input data when requested.
The IC200ALG630 is compatible with a range of CPU and NIU versions including but not limited to the Versamax, Genius, and DeviceNet NIU. Each active channel can be set to either active or inactive, but if inactive, all checks will be returned as zero. Additionally, each input channel can have a low or high alarm limit if needed. If no alarm is wanted, then the limits can be set outside the dynamic range to remain inactive.
Technical Specifications
No. of channels: | 7 Thermocouple |
Voltage Range: | 5 VDC nominal |
Thermocouple Types: | J, K, T, S, R |
Update Rate: | 60 ms |
LED Indicators: | OK |
Power Consumption: | 125 mA from +5V bus |
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