Motoblock SH16E
tishli reduktor
Dvigatel hajmi 296 sm3 ga etadi
Tuproqqa ishlov berish chuqurligi - 30 sm gacha, kengligi - 105 sm gacha
Yoqilg'i bakining hajmi 3,5 litrni tashkil qiladi
Dvigatel quvvati: 12 ot kuchi
Easy to use walk-behind tractor with a powerful 9 horsepower engine. It is also a single-cylinder four-stroke engine - which runs on diesel and copes with its tasks for a long time without overheating thanks to the direct injection system and water cooling. Rated revolutions of 3600 per minute are provided without overloads. The walk-behind tractor has a number of advantages that experienced farmers are well aware of. It reaches a high level of competition due to the indisputable advantages that distinguish it from the background of gasoline and electric walk-behind tractors.
The China Trade company is engaged in import of all types of agricultural machinery (Tractors, Motoblocks, Motorcycles) from China. Our experienced specialists will advise on all your questions.
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- +998 (raqamni ko'rish)
- china-uzb-trade.gl.uz