Multipower концентрат для мытья полов и стен "Полевые цветы" 800 мл
Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0159785Tavsifi
Concentrate for cleaning floors and walls
Concentrated product that combines economy in use and highly effective detergent properties.
Quickly cleans away dirt, giving the surface a shine and cleanliness. Works in water of any hardness and temperature.
The concentrate is intended for cleaning the following types of surfaces: linoleum, laminate, ceramic, natural and artificial stone (marble, granite, terrazzo), synthetic (PVC, vinyl), rubber, painted wooden, bulk.
effectively launders the main types of pollution;
removes odors and refreshes surfaces;
dissolves well with water;
does not leave streaks;
does not require rinsing;
has a pleasant aroma;
does not destroy protective coatings;
safe for people and animals.
For manual and mechanized washing.
Also, the concentrate for cleaning floors is available in the following variations:
"Tops of Tibet" - 800 ml
"After the rain" - 800 ml
Izoh qoldirishUshbu mahsulotga hali izoh qoldirilmagan
Multipower концентрат для мытья полов и стен "Полевые цветы" 800 мл
Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0159785Sotuvchi

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- ул Х.Гафуров дом 19
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- +998 (raqamni ko'rish)

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