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      Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0767980
      27 000 000 so'm 50 donadan
      Ulgurji narxlar


      Analysis po 7 vidam veshchestv Udobnaya keyboard device for vvoda dannyx i vybora menu Sohranenie dannyx (name, surname, driver's ID and car number, i imya, surname, identification number and registration number of police) and internal memory Autobrazhenie stotoyaniya pamyati i poisk zapisey Udobnaya peredacha ranee zapisannyx dannyx s ispolzovaniem UTC-DATA s pomoshchyu kabelya na PK Udobnoe podklyuchenie printera cherez Bluetooth Record / report ob otkaze dlya tex, kto otkazyvaetsya proyti test Record can not be removed by the user Kontrol temperaturei okrujayushchey sredy Ogranichenie polnomochi izovatelya Udobnyy bolshoy graficheskiy display Perezariajaemy lithium- ionic battery Built-in battery for charging and data Charging set 220V and 12V Certification CE, compliance with EMC directive and low voltage setting


      Udobnyy dlya polzovaniya nabor dlya sbora slyuny Control strips, indicators, chto totochnoe chichestsvo obrazetsa obtained in the kit Znak s ukazaniem partii, date of manufacture, date of expiration date of operation and type of veshchestv Kit for cbora lyuny Marking RF ID (optional) Compliant with EMC and low directives napryajenii Carrying Case Tipy Veshchestv, Izmeryaemyx Testovymi Naborami i Porogovye Znacheniya DRUG POWDER (ng/ml) Amphetamine Benzodiazepiny Cocaine Opiaty Marijuana 50 20 30 40 25 PRN-08 Printer


      Battery Interface Candy box Diameter of roll box Indicator Auto shutdown Nickel-metal hydride (Ni-Mh), Lithium-ion Bluetooth 57.5 mm 40 mm LED (socket, ignition box, opening cap, charging, normal / low battery) Yes

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