Qidiruv natijasi(0) Barcha mahsulotlar
      Noutbuk HP Envy 13-aq1007ur Intel Core i5-1035G1 1000MHz / 13.3 "/ 1920x1080 / 8GB / 256GB SSD / DVD net / Intel UHD Graphics / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Windows 10 Home
      Noutbuk HP Envy 13-aq1007ur Intel Core i5-1035G1 1000MHz / 13.3 "/ 1920x1080 / 8GB / 256GB SSD / DVD net / Intel UHD Graphics / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Windows 10 Home
      Noutbuk HP Envy 13-aq1007ur Intel Core i5-1035G1 1000MHz / 13.3 "/ 1920x1080 / 8GB / 256GB SSD / DVD net / Intel UHD Graphics / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Windows 10 Home
      Noutbuk HP Envy 13-aq1007ur Intel Core i5-1035G1 1000MHz / 13.3 "/ 1920x1080 / 8GB / 256GB SSD / DVD net / Intel UHD Graphics / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Windows 10 Home
      Noutbuk HP Envy 13-aq1007ur Intel Core i5-1035G1 1000MHz / 13.3 "/ 1920x1080 / 8GB / 256GB SSD / DVD net / Intel UHD Graphics / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Windows 10 Home
      Noutbuk HP Envy 13-aq1007ur Intel Core i5-1035G1 1000MHz / 13.3 "/ 1920x1080 / 8GB / 256GB SSD / DVD net / Intel UHD Graphics / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Windows 10 Home

      Noutbuk HP Envy 13-aq1007ur Intel Core i5-1035G1 1000MHz / 13.3 "/ 1920x1080 / 8GB / 256GB SSD / DVD net / Intel UHD Graphics / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Windows 10 Home

      Sotuvda mavjud Kod: 300568
      15 223 680 so'm / dona


      Qisqacha mahsulot haqida protsessor: Intel Core i5-1035G1 (1000 MGts) Operativ xotira: 8 GB saqlash: SSD 256 GB integral grafikalar: Intel UHD Graphics yaltiroq ekran: 13,3 "(1920x1080) IPS matritsasi operatsion tizim: Windows 10 Home USB 3.1 Type A x 2, USB 3.1 Type-C, Mikrofon / Eshitish vositasi kombinati Wi-Fi, Bluetooth o'lchamlari: 307x211,5x14,7 mm vazni: 1,27 kg Ekran o'lchamlari 1920x1080 Grafik karta turi o'rnatilgan Video karta Intel UHD grafikasi Drayv konfiguratsiyasi SSD Operatsion tizim Windows 10 Home Rang Turi Turi daftar Operatsion tizim Windows 10 Home Markaziy protsessor Markaziy protsessor Intel Core i5-1035G1 1000 MGts Protsessor yadrosi Muzli ko'l-u Protsessor yadrolari soni 4 L2 kesh hajmi 2 MB L3 kesh hajmi 6 MB Xotira Xotira 8 GB DDR4 2400 MGts Rasm Ekran 13,3 dyuymli, 1920x1080, keng ekranli Ekran qopqog'i turi yaltiroq Ekran matritsasi turi IPS Ekranning orqa nuri LED Grafik karta turi o'rnatilgan Video protsessor Intel UHD grafikasi Video xotira turi SMA Saqlash moslamalari Drayv konfiguratsiyasi SSD Umumiy saqlash hajmi 256 GB Jami SSD xotirasi 256 GB Disk interfeysi M.2 Optik haydovchi yo'q Aloqa Simsiz ulanish Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ax, Bluetooth 5.0 Interfeyslar USB 3.1 Type A x 2, USB 3.1 Type-C, Mikrofon / Eshitish vositasi kombinati Uyalar Flash kartani o'quvchi u yerda Kengaytirish uyalari / xotira kartalari microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC Ovqat Batareya quvvati 53 Wh Batareya elementlari soni 4 Battareya turi Li-Pol Kirish moslamalari Joylashuv moslamalari Sensorli panel Orqa yoritilgan klaviatura u yerda Ovoz Ichki karnaylar u yerda O'rnatilgan mikrofon u yerda Qo'shimcha Veb kamera u yerda Barmoq izlari skaneri u yerda Olchamlari (LxWxT) 307x211,5x14,7 mm Og'irligi 1,27 kg qo'shimcha ma'lumot 1 USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type-C (Power Delivery 3.0, DisplayPort 1.2, HP Sleep and Charge); 1 USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type-A (HP Sleep and Charge bilan); 1 USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type-A (faqat ma'lumot uzatish)

      Barchasini ko'rish


      Izoh qoldirish

      Ushbu mahsulotga hali izoh qoldirilmagan

      Sotuvchining boshqa mahsulotlari

      Kondensator mikrofoni Fifine K678 USB Buyurtma asosida
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      Noutbuk HP Envy 13-aq1007ur Intel Core i5-1035G1 1000MHz / 13.3 "/ 1920x1080 / 8GB / 256GB SSD / DVD net / Intel UHD Graphics / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Windows 10 Home

      Sotuvda mavjud Kod: 300568
      15 223 680 so'm / dona


      Maxtech Toshkent shahri, Shayxontohur tumani

      To'lov usullari

      • Naqd
      • Pul o'tkazish
      • UzCard terminal
      • HUMO terminal
      Banner m1 Banner m1
      Sotuvchining boshqa mahsulotlari
      Kondensator mikrofoni Fifine K678 USB Buyurtma asosida
      1 404 000 so'm
      HAJ10-3BK noutbuk batareyasi Sotuvda mavjud
      467 985.6 so'm
      Simsiz terish (klaviatura + sichqoncha) KW404 Sotuvda mavjud
      504 000 so'm
      ASM-90T EL ofis xavfsizligi Sotuvda mavjud
      8 987 000 so'm