Elektron ixcham shkalasi TS 500 (1g / 25kg)
Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0074210Tavsifi
Electronic scales wholesale and retail
The MIR LIBRA Company. In our extensive catalog you will find already traditional and well-known warehouse scales, many types of platform scales, well-proven commercial scales for industrial and commercial organizations, well-known and in-demand car weights, dispensers for packing and packaging lines, hopper scales and much more, which will effectively automate the accounting and control processes at your enterprise and provide you with complete and accurate indicators necessary for the work of each organization, the activity of which is connected with the storage and movement of material and technical values.
Izoh qoldirishUshbu mahsulotga hali izoh qoldirilmagan
Sotuvchining o'xshash mahsulotlari
Sotuvchining boshqa mahsulotlari
testo 835-T1 - Базовый ИК-термометр с 4-х точечным лазерным целеуказателем (оптика 50:1)
Buyurtma asosida
100 000 so'm
Весы платформенные до 3 тонн (размер платф. 1х1м; 1,2х1,5м; 1,5х2м)
Sotuvda mavjud
Narx so'rov asosida
Elektron ixcham shkalasi TS 500 (1g / 25kg)
Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0074210Sotuvchi

Toshkent shahri, Yashnobod tumani
- Izohlar (0) Sharh qo'shish
- Toshkent sh., Yashnobod tumani, Boyqo‘rg‘on ko‘chasi, 6-uy
- Ish tartibi
- +998 (raqamni ko'rish)
- taroz.uz

Sotuvchining o'xshash mahsulotlari
Sotuvchining boshqa mahsulotlari
testo 835-T1 - Базовый ИК-термометр с 4-х точечным лазерным целеуказателем (оптика 50:1)
Buyurtma asosida
100 000 so'm
Весы платформенные до 3 тонн (размер платф. 1х1м; 1,2х1,5м; 1,5х2м)
Sotuvda mavjud
Narx so'rov asosida
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