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      Fluke 1750 Three-phase Power Quality Recorder
      Fluke 1750 Three-phase Power Quality Recorder
      Fluke 1750 Three-phase Power Quality Recorder
      Fluke 1750 Three-phase Power Quality Recorder

      Fluke 1750 Three-phase Power Quality Recorder

      Sotuvda mavjud Kod: Fluke 1750
      Narx so'rov asosida


      Compliance with IEC 61999-1-4 Class 1, IEC 61000-4-30 Class A, S or B depending on the measurement function, IEEE 519, IEEE 1159, IEEE1459 and EN50160


      Clock/calendar of Leap years, 24-hour clock


      The accuracy of the real-time clock is not more than ± 1 s/day


      The amount of internal memory for storing data is at least 2 GB


      The maximum recording period is at least 31 days


      Automatic control of measurement time


      The maximum number of events is limited only by the size of the internal memory


      Power consumption from 100 to 240 V RMS ± 10%, 47-63 Hz, 40 W


      Working time during breaks (internal UPS operation) 5 minutes for a break, total time without recharging 60 minutes


      Dimensions 215 x 310 x 35 mm (8.5 x 12.2 x 3.5 inches)


      Weight (weight) 6.3 kg (14 lbs)

      Barchasini ko'rish


      Izoh qoldirish

      Ushbu mahsulotga hali izoh qoldirilmagan

      Fluke 1750 Three-phase Power Quality Recorder

      Sotuvda mavjud Kod: Fluke 1750
      Narx so'rov asosida


      Punto.uz Toshkent shahri, Yakkasaroy tumani
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