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      Mahanarayan Tail oil
      Mahanarayan Tail oil
      Mahanarayan Tail oil
      Mahanarayan Tail oil

      Mahanarayan Tail oil

      Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0954727
      197 000 so'm / dona



      Mahanarayan – Mahanarayan joint oil. An ancient Ayurvedic combination of more than 30 medicinal plants in oil. The effectiveness of Mahanarayan oil has been tested by time and modern research. Used in India for thousands of years. The oil is named after the Great (Maha) god Krishna (Narayana), who himself used it. Mahanarayan eliminates all Vata imbalances that cause consequences such as arthritis, salt deposits in joints, and muscle pain.


      Mahanarayan oil is used for general fatigue, for recovery, to ensure ease and mobility of joints and maintain them in normal condition. Gives an excellent effect for inflamed and sedentary joints. It is used in the treatment of spinal curvature. Mahanarayan normalizes blood circulation. Used for all types of rheumatic complaints, very effective for chest pain, body pain, lymphadenitis and degenerative lesions of the body.


      Mode of application:


      For muscle and bone pain, the oil should be applied to the sore spots. Heat the oil. Apply to the problem area and massage lightly. Leave it on the body for 30-40 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Can also be used for general body massage. After the massage, rinse off the oil with water after 30-40 minutes.

      For the prevention and strengthening of the genital organs, a light general massage with Mahanarayan is recommended. After massage, after 30-40 minutes, wash off the oil with water using Ayurvedic soap or herbal body wash powder.

      Barchasini ko'rish


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      Mahanarayan Tail oil

      Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0954727
      197 000 so'm / dona
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      Sotuvchining o'xshash mahsulotlari
      Gemorroy uchun shpritsli gel Sotuvda mavjud
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      297 000 so'm
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