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      "Akkordeon" eshiklari
      "Akkordeon" eshiklari
      "Akkordeon" eshiklari
      "Akkordeon" eshiklari
      "Akkordeon" eshiklari
      "Akkordeon" eshiklari
      "Akkordeon" eshiklari
      "Akkordeon" eshiklari

      "Akkordeon" eshiklari

      Buyurtma asosida Kod: P-0078232
      2 255 000 so'm / kv.mdan
      Ulgurji narxlar


      Absolute new sliding door system from modern manufacturers, differ in the variety of design and functionality. The Accordion system is a system used for the glazing of shop windows in cafes, restaurants, snack bars, shops, etc. places. It is very easy to use. That's why we used the ironic slogan "the easiest way to open a store." Pulling at one leaf or pushing it, you open and close all the windows. Since each leaf is connected to the neighboring ones, they can be set in motion all at once. The fact that in the folded state the system takes up very little space makes it an ideal solution for places with limited useful space. We see that with the increase in the number of shopping centers to date, various solutions for shops and storefronts come to the fore. Even modern shopping centers begin to position themselves in the old "market" style. As a result of this, shop window systems that can be opened at any time give store owners greater flexibility in accessing customers.


      All products of this type have a fairly small mass and compact dimensions. Modern door-accordion does not require a lot of space for opening and closing, has an attractive appearance and can decorate a room with any interior.



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      "Akkordeon" eshiklari

      Buyurtma asosida Kod: P-0078232
      2 255 000 so'm / kv.mdan
      Ulgurji narxlar


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