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      Таблетки Спирулина плюс

      Kod: P-0609695 Ushbu mahsulot sotuvda mavjud emas


      The combination of Spirulina and Amla provides perfect nutrition in one capsule. This remedy is great for maintaining a high level of energy, tone, beauty and health, especially if there is no time to maintain a proper diet and diet.

      Spirulina and Amla will keep your youth and beauty without unnecessary calories!


      Spirulina contains 5000% more iron than spinach, 500% more calcium than milk, 300% more protein than soybeans! Spirulina allows you to stay young longer, delay the aging process; lower cholesterol levels in the body and balance blood sugar levels; provide adequate nutrition for active children; control weight by eating calorie-free meals.


      Health Benefits of Spirulina

      Contains 70% of easily digestible protein, which includes almost all amino acids necessary for a person;


      Spirulina contains omega 3-, 6- and 9 unsaturated acids;


      Due to the presence of chlorophyll, it helps cleanse the blood of toxins and strengthens the human immune system;


      The high content of easily digestible iron makes spirulina useful in the treatment of anemia;


      Improves vision and is beneficial for eye health in general;


      Has anti-inflammatory properties;


      Stimulates cell regeneration, due to which it is actively used in cosmetology;


      Removes toxins and toxins from the body;


      Increases immunity;


      Improves the sex life of women and men;


      Reduces excess weight, contributing to physiological weight loss;


      Accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin and mucous membranes;


      Strengthens hair;


      Provides higher protection of the body from radiation exposure.


      Regular intake of spirulina helps to relieve the symptoms of many types of allergies, such as, for example, allergy to pollen, which plagues many people in the spring;


      Reduces blood cholesterol levels, regulates blood pressure;


      Inhibits the development of tumor cells, preventing many types of cancer;


      Improves memory;


      It is useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system;


      Improves metabolism;


      Heals the skin from the inside out. It is used for acne and dermatitis;


      Gives vigor and energy;


      Improves digestion.


      Helps fight candidiasis.

      Barchasini ko'rish


      Izoh qoldirish

      Ushbu mahsulotga hali izoh qoldirilmagan

      Таблетки Спирулина плюс

      Kod: P-0609695 Ushbu mahsulot sotuvda mavjud emas


      Тибет лавка Toshkent shahri, Sirg`ali tumani

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