Терминал сбора данных PM67
Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0693022Tavsifi
Vsemirno izvestnaya company po proizvodstvu mobilnyx kompyuternyx ustroystv promыshlennogo urovnya Point Mobile vыpustila v prodaju novyy portativnыy TSD PM67, funktsioniruyushchiy na osnove operatsionnoy sistemy poslednego pokoleniya Android 11, 8-mi yadaogo protsessora Qualcora obomm Qualcora Qualmora Qualmora Qualmora Qualmora Qualmora Qualm RAM / 32Gb ROM.
24-x knopochnaya funktsionalnaya klaviatura s funktsiey podsvetki imeet bolshie i shirokie knopki, chto ochen udobno pri rabote v perchatkax. 4-x inch touch screen with IPS panel and isklyuchitelno yarkoy adaptativnoy dnevnoy podsvetkoy takje delaet rabotu s mobilnыm TSD maksimalno komfortnoy.
For fast and high-quality decoding of all types of linear and two-bar codes of the model PM67 is equipped with a built-in scan module N3601. Dlya eshche bolee komfortnogo i bыstrogo skanirovaniya vozmojna dopolnitelnaya komplektatsiya pistoletnoy rukoyatkoy s kurkom-triggerom.
Autonomous work promыshlennogo mobilnogo terminalina dannyx Point Mobile PM67 obespechivaetsya usilennym lithium ion akkumulyatorom emkostyu 4200 mAh.
Shirokiy nabor besprovodnyx interfesov podklyucheniya 4G LTE, WIFI, BLUETOOTH VER 5.1 BLE, NFC, GPS s funktsiey besshovnogo roaming garantiruyut vыsokoskrostnuyu bespereboynuyu svyaz s osnovnыm serverrom bez riska poteri dannyx.
Mobile computer Point Mobile PM67 is developed for operation in the most difficult conditions: at extreme temperatures, at increased humidity and humidity, etc. Poetomu dannoe ustroystvo oborudovano pыle- i vlagozashchishchennыm udaroprochnыm korpusom s klassom zashchity IP67, vyderjivayushchim mnogokratnыe padeniya s vыsotы 1.5 m. Krome togo, mobile computer PM67 can work at temperatures from -20 ° C to 60 ° C.
The new mobile terminal of the current Point Mobile PM67 was developed on the basis of the popular series Point Mobile PM66 and, in addition, it is practically identical, but, in contrast to the mobile TSD PM66, the new PM67 is more highly productive and productive.
Dimensions 166.01 mm D / 76.83 mm Sh / 29.27 mm V
Weight 300 g.
Power supply 3.85V, 4200 mAh lithium-ion rechargeable battery UN38.3 certificate, UL2054 / UL1642, IEC62133 KC / PSE, BIS
Supports charging through USB-C
4.3 inch screen, IPS panel (480 x 800)
WVGA Exceptionally bright
Adaptive daylight (500 nits)
OS Android 11
Processor Qualcomm® Octa-core @ 2.0GHz
Pamyat 3Gb RAM / 32Gb ROM
Wireless internet Sputnikovoe: A-GPS, GLONASS, Beidou
WLAN: 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / ax (ready) / d / h / i / k / r / v, 1x1 SISO
WPAN: Bluetooth Class I, Ver 5.1, BLE support
Integrated barcode scanner N3601 1D / 2D LED barcode scan engine
Zashchita ot padeniy do 1.5 m mnojestvennye padeniya na beton vo vsem diapazone rabochix temperatura
Klass zashchity (Vlago i pylezashchita) IP67
Izoh qoldirishUshbu mahsulotga hali izoh qoldirilmagan
Sotuvchining boshqa mahsulotlari
Терминал сбора данных PM67
Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0693022Sotuvchi

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