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      Bolalar tarozilari
      Bolalar tarozilari
      Bolalar tarozilari
      Bolalar tarozilari

      Bolalar tarozilari

      Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0089821
      2 000 000 so'm / dona
      Ulgurji narxlar


      Scales for newborns the measurement limit is 20kg

      Weight is considered one of the main indicators from the first days of a child's life, which shows how his development takes place, whether he receives the necessary minerals and vitamins along with breast or auxiliary nutrition.

      About the company:

      Our company manufactures this product from high-quality materials that meet international quality standards and will last for many years, thanks to qualified employees with many years of experience. We ask you to clarify detailed information about the product from the seller by contacting him at the phone number indicated above or by means of an electronic request through the feedback form.

      Barchasini ko'rish


      Izoh qoldirish

      Ushbu mahsulotga hali izoh qoldirilmagan

      Sotuvchining o'xshash mahsulotlari

      Bolalar tarozilari

      Sotuvda mavjud Kod: P-0089821
      2 000 000 so'm / dona
      Ulgurji narxlar


      "OZIRLIKLAR OLAMI" Toshkent shahri, Yashnobod tumani

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